Recruit Certified Cyber Security & Software Testing Candidates
Why Hire A PathGlow Full Stack Software Tester / Cybersecurity Professional
Future-Ready Professionals
With Job-ready pool of talented individuals and their efficient working style, your organization benefits manifold in terms of resource allocation and lesser investment in training of the candidate.
Faster Productive Engagement
With quicker engagement and higher levels of understanding, our trained professionals are industry ready. They are quick to retrieve and implement regular job functions that are goal-oriented.
Ready-to-deploy Candidates
Our industry-relevant programs and training makes it highly likely that you wouldn’t have to worry about candidate training or verification.
Pre-assessed Candidates
Industry-ready assessment and aptitude exams or be it communication skills and technical skills, all our candidates are pre-assessed and evaluated before being recommended to corporates.
Dedicated Recruitment Manager
A dedicated recruitment manager insures the organization gets resource that they desire. The recruitment manager thoroughly understands the organizational needs and assesses and recommends candidates that fit perfectly with client requirement.
Hiring Modes
An exclusive combination of screening talent, sourcing talent and getting talent ready to be impactful within your organization, all with no risk.
Exclusive Hiring Drive
Conduct a recruitment drive at PathGlow exclusively for your organization. Think of it as something akin to campus recruitment.
Direct Hiring / Job Board
Post your requirements to PathGlow and attract a qualified and trained candidate pool.
Full Stack Testing & Cybersecurity Pros for Hire
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