The Essential Role of Software Testing in the Growth of the Indian Gaming Industry - PathGlow

The Essential Role of Software Testing in the Growth of the Indian Gaming Industry

3 min read

The gaming industry has seen a massive surge in recent years, with a globally active audience of 500 million aged between 15-35. The Indian gaming industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors globally, with around 420 million active gamers, and it is expected to be one of the leading markets in the gaming industry in the coming years. With the largest youth population in the world, India is at the forefront of the gaming industry and poised for tremendous growth.

The global gaming industry has experienced continuous growth for the past five years and is projected to triple by 2025, reaching a staggering $3.9 billion. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has shown great interest in the gaming sector, recognizing its huge international market potential, and has expressed India's intent to increase its footprint in the industry. Addressing the issue, he stated that science and technology is not an isolated sector, but is linked to the economy, including fields like the digital economy and fintech. This year's budget focused on Animation Visual Effects Gaming Comic (AVGC).

Game testing is an essential element of game development and ensures that games are tested for quality control and that they perform interactively as expected, with no bugs or errors to ruin the user experience. Game testers play video games, ensuring that they perform as expected while looking for defects and bugs. They report any issues they find to the game developers to resolve before the final release of the game.

PathGlow Edulab is an industry-focused centre of excellence that trains and develops skilled professionals in the software testing domain, with 100% placement assistance. PathGlow offers unparalleled training with top-notch professionals, managers, and industry experts in the best- in-class environment. The program features live projects, real work simulations, and the usage of cutting-edge tools and methodologies to accelerate learning and sharpen skills. Graduates are keen professionals ready to take on jobs in the best organizations in the industry.

Software testing is quickly becoming a high-demand profession. Apps are being added every day, and brands are increasingly in a hurry to bring products to market. However, training programs aren't keeping pace with the industry's rapidly growing and evolving demands. Merely completing a software testing course is no longer sufficient. Students need to factor in the latest technology and developments in the industry to stay up to date.

PathGlow's program is designed to set students up for success in the fast-paced and demanding world of software testing. The program is designed to provide the tools and skills needed to excel on real-world projects, with expert coaching from industry professionals. Graduates can expect to have the latest industry knowledge at their fingertips, and the pedigree of software testing quality to set them up for success in a high-demand field.

In conclusion, India's gaming industry is poised to take a leap in the coming years, with the government focusing on the AVGC sector in particular. Game testing is a crucial element of game development, and PathGlow Edulab provides an unparalleled opportunity to master the necessary skills and be set up for success with real-world experience. Software testing is a rewarding and high-demand profession, and PathGlow is an excellent way to become a Full Stack Software Testing Pro.

Visit and sign up for PathGlow’s Full Stack Software Testing Course. Your career will take off to a great start and you will have a bright future, because software testing is a career that is here to stay.

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